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Chlorhexidine Acetate (Hibitane)

ChlorHexidine Acetate, Hibitane, white crystalline powder. It has a melting point between 154 and 157 deg Celsius. The solubility of the product in water is 20 degC. This compound is insoluble in ethanol. It has a mild characteristic odor. Informat


High Purity Boron Carbide B4C Powder CAS 12069-32-8, 99%

Boron Carbide has the highest hardness of any material. It is unaffected by hot hydrogen Fluoride, nor is it affected by nitric Acid. Insoluble in water or acid, but soluble in molten sodium alkali. B4C powder MF: B4C B4C powder CAS No: 12069-32

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